Book and Magazine Collector on Leslie Charteris
Book and Magazine Collector's June 2007 issue features, "Leslie Charteris: 100 Years of The Creator of The Saint."
The long 13-page article was written by Norman Wright, begins on page 36 of the issue. The article discusses Charteris' creation of the Saint and is printed in full color with some marvelous illustrations of Roger Moore, George Sanders, Vincent Price, Ian Ogilvy, Louis Hayward, magazine appearances, various dustjackets, and paperback editions.
A three-page annotated bibliography of the British editions is included, along with some current pricing guidelines within the UK; the highest price is, of course, for a British first Ward Lock edition of Meet The Tiger with dustjacket, at over £3000+ ($6000+)!
The issue went on sale May 10, 2007.
While thanking Book and Magazine Collector for doing a piece on The Saint and Leslie Charteris, Ian Dickerson has also posted a number of factual content errors to the news page of for you to enjoy -- see how many of them you found yourself!Labels: 2007, George Sanders, Ian Dickerson, Ian Ogilvy, Leslie Charteris, Louis Hayward, Roger Moore, Vincent Price
1 comments for Book and Magazine Collector on Leslie Charteris
The annotated bibliography machine are useful to anyone who need help in making bibliography.This is a free online bibliography and citation maker.Used by millions of people. Thanks
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