The Saint News: August 2007The Saint's Blog devoted to news and rumors about The Saint and Leslie Charteris. Simon Templar, alias The Saint, was played by Roger Moore in the 1960's TV show featuring the Volvo 1800.
Please e-mail any current news and rumors about The Saint to:
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Fiona Glenanne is a fictional character (portrayed by Gabrielle Anwar) in the television series Burn Notice. She was affiliated with the IRA for 14 years, but ran afoul of her old organization because she didn't like being told what to do. She has since gone out on her own, picking up odd jobs and using her skills in explosives, lock picking, tracking, weapons, and hand-to-hand combat to make a living. Fiona picked up Michael Westen in Miami, and has since helped him numerous times in his various jobs. Fiona and Michael had a past relationship, which Michael ended, apparently due to a fear of commitment. Since she has met up with Michael again, Fiona has continued to pressure Michael into a relationship.
While The Saint's girlfriend, Patricia Holm has a very different background, there is something about the interaction between Fiona Glenanne and Michael Westen that is reminiscent of The Saint's relationship with Pat. It has been written that Leslie Charteris wrote Patricia to portray his ideal of the perfect male/female relationship, and while that aspect isn't quite as apparent, there are similarities:- Both Pat and Fiona are strong women who are equal to the tasks that face their male counterparts.
- Simon Templar and Michael Westen avoid commitment due to job dangers.
- The dialog between the two has affection, humor, and intelligence.
- Both Simon and Michael trust their girlfriends to do even the most dangerous jobs without hesitation.
- Watch the interaction between the two on Burn Notice; it compares favorably to how Simon Templar and Patricia Holm might act together in this current day and age.
All in all, if there is to be a Patricia Holm in the forthcoming TV series of The Saint, it would be great if the dialog was as sharp as the writing on Burn Notice!
Thoughts? Discuss!Labels: 2007, Burn Notice, Fiona Glenanne, Leslie Charteris
for Patricia Holm, Meet Fiona Glenanne 
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
| Occasionally, and for no reasonable reason, there is groundswell of interest in a particular random topic. Such is the case this week with The Wild Geese, a movie starring Saint Roger Moore in 1978. Amazon's review explains that, "Mixing action, humor, sentiment, and even a few righteous moral convictions, The Wild Geese is good, rousing fun."
Released theatrically 29 years ago in 1978 (even though the 2005 DVD release was promoted as the "30th Anniversary Edition"), The Wild Geese depicts the adventures of a group of British mercenaries hired by a shady multinational corporation to free the benevolent leader of an African nation held captive by a ruthless dictator. Led by the caustic, no-nonsense Col. Allen Faulkner (played by Richard Burton), these soldiers of fortune are all stout fellows out to earn a big payday and restore a good man to his rightful place of power.
Watch for a filming goof during the parachute jump. When they leave the plane, the soldiers are wearing helmets, but as soon as they land, in some cases even before collapsing their parachutes, they've switched to berets -- and no discarded helmets are visible on the ground.
The cast includes Richard Harris, Roger Moore, and a host of other fine veteran actors. The Wild Geese is a very enjoyable ride. |
The Wild Geese (30th Anniversary Edition)
Bonus features include a profile of producer Euan Lloyd and commentary by Euan Lloyd, Roger Moore, and journalist Jonathan Sothcott.Labels: 2007, Amazon.com, DVD, Roger Moore
for The Saint and the Wild Geese 
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Roger Moore was recently in Monaco for a photoshoot and interview to promote The Saint and The Persuaders for German TV.
Roger Moore @ Polish Fan Site reports:Photoshoot and trailer for German TV. Sir Roger Moore has taken part in a photoshoot and trailer for German television channel Das Vierte to promote "The Persuaders" and "The Saint" being shown on the network from 1st September 2007. The shoot took place in Monaco, where Sir Roger also gave a comprehensive interview which will be shown on the channel on 2nd September 2007. A German translation of the transcript is on the network's website. Source: MI6 To read the interview (in German) and see the 14 photos, please visit the web.de site. You can also read a very badly worded English translation of the Roger Moore interview using Google's automatic translation service.Labels: 2007, German, Google, Roger Moore, The Persuaders
for Roger Moore's Monaco Photoshoot for German TV 
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Before Roger Moore became The Saint, he had a recurring role on the TV series, Maverick, starring either James Garner and Jack Kelly.
Now that Maverick is being re-run on TV in various countries, including Good Life in the US, watch for a young pre-Saint Roger Moore in 14 episodes from 1959 to 1961. Roger was a regular on the show beginning in 1960 (he had been in one episode, The Rivals before that), co-starring as Beauregard "Beau" Maverick, Bret and Bart Maverick’s cousin. His regular appearances were due to the fact that James Garner had left the show over a contract dispute.
Maverick was a clever show that used a lot of comedy to lighten up the action. There are many Saintly touches, in that the Maverick cousins are basically good people who will go outside the law to correct wrongs that need to be righted. The intelligent con games of outsmarting your rivals instead of beating them up will certainly appeal to Saint fans who want to see a young Roger Moore playing a Texas Templar.
Episode 80 on September 18, 1960, entitled Bundle from Britain, introduced Roger Moore as the "white sheep" of the family -- he had the misfortune of earning a medal in the Civil War, and Pappy had banished him to England for five years because no Maverick had ever been a hero.
Very soon, Maverick will be coming out in a special Maverick First Season DVD set . For now, you'll just have to watch Maverick on DVD
Another connection between The Saint and Maverick has nothing to do with Roger Moore at all. Noted award-winning author Burl Barer who has penned a number of Saint items, was called to do the "Behind The Scenes" book, Maverick: The Making of the Movie - The Official Guide to the Television Series , on the making of the 1994 Maverick movie starring Mel Gibson, Jodi Foster, and James Garner.
For more information, please visit Wikipedia for their entry on the Maverick TV series and complete episode guide.Labels: 2007, Burl Barer, James Garner, Maverick, Roger Moore, Wikipedia
for Roger Moore, The Maverick Years 
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Roger Moore was highlighted in the main feature area of the UK version of the BBC's home page today. This prime spotlight was in connection with the BBC Radio 4 show that Roger narrates, and is well worth the listen!Leslie Charteris -- A Saintly Centennial Listen Online
Roger Moore celebrates the life of Leslie Charteris, the creator of The Saint, one of the longest-running characters in detective fiction.
Programme details More about Moore Your memories of the 1960s Here's a screenshot of the feature tile:
 Labels: 2007, BBC, Leslie Charteris, Roger Moore
for Roger Moore on the BBC Home Page 