The Saint News: September 2007The Saint's Blog devoted to news and rumors about The Saint and Leslie Charteris. Simon Templar, alias The Saint, was played by Roger Moore in the 1960's TV show featuring the Volvo 1800.
Please e-mail any current news and rumors about The Saint to:
Friday, September 28, 2007
The 2007 Komen Race for the Cure in San Diego will be held on November 4, 207 at Balboa Park. This year ProFlowers.com will again be a platinum sponsor of the San Diego Race for the Cure and will be matching any donations collected by their team members.
Thank You For Your Tax-Deductible Support
We need your support and thank you for your tax-deductable donations that will be matched dollar for dollar by ProFlowers.com! That means a $25 donation recieved via this site actually contributes $50 to the bottom line! Please contribute now to support us in this event!
The Race for the Cure
One in eight women will be stricken with breast cancer in her lifetime. The Komen San Diego Race for the Cure® raises money to fund education, screening and treatment programs for these women and thousands of others in our own community and supports the national search for a cure.
The Komen Race for the Cure® Series is the largest series of 5K run/ walks in the world. Since its origination in Dallas in 1983, the Komen Race for the Cure® Series has grown from one local race with 800 participants to an international series of 115 races with more than 1.3 million participants.
Thank you for your support and donations to this important cause.Labels: Susan G. Komen
for Be a Saint and Support the Komen Race for the Cure 
It is very rare that the artwork used on the covers of various Saint books is used twice, especially from country to country. The 1955 Swedish edition of Helgonet vid Spanska Sjön (The Saint on The Spanish Main) uses the exact same artwork as the 1955 American first edition of the same title by The Crime Club. Both editions feature cover artwork by Richard M. Powers.
 You can tell that The Crime Club edition was first as there are still remnants of their clever Crime Club man (see if you can find the letters C.R.I.M.E. within) swimming in the ocean on the Swedish edition.
If you know of any other such double-use of cover artwork, please comment below.Labels: 2007, Foreign Language, Swedish, The Crime Club
for Saint Artwork Used In Multiple Countries 
Monday, September 24, 2007
Death Sentence is a 2007 film loosely based on the 1975 novel by Brian Garfield. The film is directed by James Wan, and stars Kevin Bacon as Nick Hume, a man who becomes a vengeful vigilante killer after his son is murdered by a gang as an initiation ritual. The Brian Garfield novel is part of his Death Wish series, made famous by the films with Charles Bronson.
Death Wish IV is one of two blatant knock-offs of Leslie Charteris' The Saint in New York. The other is The Angel, from Timely comics -- according to Maurice Horn in World Encyclopedia of Comics, an early story of this character copied the plot of The Saint in New York and was on whole a homage to Charteris.
John McDonagh wrote to Brian Garfield (author of Death Wish) about the Charteris-Death Wish connection. From: John McDonagh To: Brian Garfield Sent: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 11:26 pm Subject: Bronson's Loose, I enjoyed the book, part IV and Saint in New York
By the way, on Death Wish IV, I actually had the pleasure of meeting with Irwin Keyes, who played a chauffeur to Frank Boggs (the hitman that Kersey defenestrates) in that film. He (Keyes) mentioned that he was almost hit by a dummy when they filmed Boggs' death scene. I told him "trademark Golan and Globus cutting corners".
I also informed Keyes that the plot of part IV actually had two major precursors. I can only imagine what the estate of Dashiell Hammett thought and what Leslie Charteris said (who was still alive when part IV came out in 1987; he died in 1993), since it took from Red Harvest by the former (as did Yojimbo and A Fistful of Dollars as Hickman notes) and The Saint in New York from the latter (protagonist brought in to wipe out gangs only to find out he has been working for a mobster out to eliminate his rivals). Red Harvest has been copied quite a few times, but the Saint in New York has been adapted far fewer times (there was a movie version and the Timely Comics character The Angel, already derivative of the Saint, did an ex officio adaptation of The Saint in New York) so it was interesting to see the homage to it in Death Wish IV. To which Brian Garfield replied that didn't remember much of anything about the plot of Death Wish IV since he didn't write it and wasn't even sure he had ever watched the entire movie. He went on to say that Hammett or Charteris need not worry, that since there are a limited number of plot lines, all writers crib from one another, sometimes inadvertently, and that such duplications have little or no effect on the quality or effect of the work. It's the characters and their relationships that are what separates the great stories from the more mundane, and fortunately so, otherwise King Lear would have long ago been buried under a large pile of imitations.Labels: Brian Garfield, Charles Bronson, Dashiell Hammett, Kevin Bacon, Leslie Charteris
for Death Wish 4 the Saint 
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
The Saint's website has been running since the Web 1.0 days of 1995, and in those days each web page's HTML had to be hand-coded in a text editor, such as BBEdit and then FTP'd up to the saint.org web host by me and me alone. Web 1.0 for The Saint was a one-way posting of static information that you hoped someone would find and read (this was called "Pull", as it was hoped that the sites content was so good that the sheer gravity would pull users to it.
With Web 2.0, The Saint's website is much more collaborative and automated. The use of Blogger means that an entire dream team of Saint experts from around the world can add, edit, or delete news articles in a rich web-enabled editor using only a web browser. These articles can have pictures, links, video, and other files. Additionally, all of the Saint fans who read these articles can use the comment feature to add their thoughts and feedback -- giving us collaboration, discussion, and ideas about the next article.
Each News article written in Blogger has an RSS syndication feed powered by Blogger and enhanced by FeedBurner to promote, gauge, and facilitate adding to your home page, like My Yahoo! or iGoogle. This allows people to see the news headlines on their favorite site, instead of having to visit Saint.org every day to check to see if there is any news. The Feedburner RSS feed "pushes" content to the user, which then brings them to the site. Feedburner also features a News Headlines module which appears on the home page of www.saint.org and automatically lists the links to the most recently posted news articles. In addition, FeedBlitz "Subscribe Via E-Mail" was added to allow users to have the Feedburner RSS feeds sent automatically to their e-mail address whenever anything has been posted.
Web 2.0 also gives us the tools to allow anyone to help publicize a particular news Story about the Saint. If something catches your eye, for example, you can use Digg, Del.icio.us, Technorati, or StumbleUpon to share your links with other people. This is a great help, as it allows more people than just a single webmaster to update a list of links that are related to the same subject. For example, all of the Saint Actor pages (like Tom Conway) feature external links about that actor which are powered by Del.icio.us. By adding me to your Del.icio.us network, you can help in maintaining and adding links to important Saint sites around the web.
Statistics are another important way of seeing what information has the most interest, and if additional pages, articles, or other items are needed. SiteMeter gives quick statistics for each page, and FeedBurner gives statistics on each RSS feed usage.
And in the end, the other big change in Web 2.0 is all of the advertising capabilities for giving Saint fans relevant products for sale that are at least somehow related to The Saint. These tools, like Google's AdSense, Commission Junction, and Amazon Associates allow this site to remain up and running at no charge to the public. The advertising revenue, while slight (about $1 a day), does pay for the domain registrations and other hosting charges incurred. Please continue to support www.saint.org by visiting the advertisers and using all these Web 2.0 features to be part of The Saint's online community!Labels: 2007, Amazon.com, Digg, eBay, Google, RSS, Web 2.0
for The Saint and Web 2.0 