SuperSmoker Saint Cigarette Trademark Infringement
In what appears to be a bazaar copyright and/or trademark infringement, it's been noted that there is an electronic cigarette on the market which features the Saint logo.
You can visit the SuperSmoker website for time being, that is until the lawyers show up. This is not in anyway an endorsement of this product. It is a surprised, "hey check this weird thing out while you can" notice.
There is also a YouTube video of the product.
Leslie Charteris, the author of The Saint stories, smoked up until the 1950s when he quit completely and even had Simon Templar quit as well! He was quite adamant about not having smoking around him, and would not be happy about this use of his worldwide trademarked Saint Stickman Logo.Labels: 2007, Leslie Charteris, Saint Logo
1 comments for SuperSmoker Saint Cigarette Trademark Infringement
cigarette electronique pas chere cher le leader de la meilleure cigarette électronique en ligne, fumer-librement vous propose un large choix de cigarette electronique rechargeable et de cigarette électronique jetable parmi les moins cheres du marché
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