The Saint News: November 2007The Saint's Blog devoted to news and rumors about The Saint and Leslie Charteris. Simon Templar, alias The Saint, was played by Roger Moore in the 1960's TV show featuring the Volvo 1800.
Please e-mail any current news and rumors about The Saint to:
Friday, November 30, 2007
In what appears to be a bazaar copyright and/or trademark infringement, it's been noted that there is an electronic cigarette on the market which features the Saint logo.
You can visit the SuperSmoker website for time being, that is until the lawyers show up. This is not in anyway an endorsement of this product. It is a surprised, "hey check this weird thing out while you can" notice.
There is also a YouTube video of the product.
Leslie Charteris, the author of The Saint stories, smoked up until the 1950s when he quit completely and even had Simon Templar quit as well! He was quite adamant about not having smoking around him, and would not be happy about this use of his worldwide trademarked Saint Stickman Logo.Labels: 2007, Leslie Charteris, Saint Logo
for SuperSmoker Saint Cigarette Trademark Infringement 
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
As I've been updating The Saint in Spanish bibliography I keep running accross El Santo the Mexican wrestler. His real name was Rodolfo Guzmán Huerta, but much of the world knew him as "El Santo," the most beloved wrestler in Mexican Lucha Libre history.
El Santo was famous for his silver mask, and the fact that he was never seen without it. More than any other wrestler, El Santo was able to keep his true identity and face a mystery and this served him well in creating a mystique which increased his popularity with wrestling fans across Mexico. His appeal, however, did not stop with grappling fans and he would eventually became one of the most popular movie stars in all of Mexico, performing in movies such as Santo vs. the Vampire Women, Santo in the Wax Museum, Mummies of Guanauato, and others. With all of his success and after so many years as an active performer, El Santo decided to call it quits and retired from the Ring in 1983, one year after the debut in the Ring of his son, El Higo Del Santo (The Son of The Saint). For the next two years El Santo worked as a performer in a nightclub, continuing to entertain his fans. On February 5, 1984 he suffered a fatal heart attack in Mexico City, Mexico and the world mourned the loss of an honored champion. True to his larger than life persona, El Santo was buried days later - with his mask on.

Take a further look at the wrestling career of El Santo at the Wrestling Museum, or view the Wikipedia article on El Santo.
For more Spanish information about Simon Templar, alias El Santo, as written about by Leslie Charteris, check out The Saint Around The World: Spain, Mexico, Chile, and Argentina.Labels: 2007, El Santo, Spanish, Wikipedia
for El Santo, Not To Be Confused with the Wrestler 
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Turner Classic Movies (TCM) has an interesting schedule for Monday, November 12, 2007.
The day starts off with a fine selection of Dick Tracy movies, and then don't miss a large number of hours of the old RKO movies of The Saint, starring Louis Hayward, George Sanders, and Hugh Sinclair.
Since these films are still not out on DVD yet, this is a great way to see them again on your new flat-screen TV!
Nov 12, 2007 (All Times are Eastern):
6:00 AM - Dick Tracy (1945) Dick is faced with a series of murders in which the victims all come from different social and economic backgrounds. Cast: Morgan Conway, Anne Jeffreys, Mike Mazurki. Dir: William A. Berke. BW-61 mins, TV-PG
7:15 AM - Dick Tracy Vs. Cueball (1946) A police detective uses his girlfriend to track down a homicidal maniac. Cast: Morgan Conway, Anne Jeffreys, Dick Wessel. Dir: Gordon Douglas. BW-62 mins, TV-PG
8:30 AM - Dick Tracy's Dilemma (1947) Dick Tracy takes on "The Claw" in this crime thriller Cast: Ralph Byrd, Lyle Latell, Kay Christopher. Dir: John Rawlins. BW-60 mins, TV-PG
9:45 AM - Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome (1947) Dick Tracy tracks down a bank robber using nerve gas. Cast: Boris Karloff, Ralph Byrd, Anne Gwynne. Dir: John Rawlins. BW-65 mins, TV-PG
11:00 AM - Saint In New York, The (1938) The Saint goes undercover to get the goods on New York's mob kingpins. Cast: Louis Hayward, Kay Sutton, Jonathan Hale. Dir: Ben Holmes. BW-72 mins, TV-G
12:15 PM - Saint Strikes Back, The (1939) The Saint helps a young beauty take vengeance on the mobsters who ruined her father. Cast: George Sanders, Wendy Barrie, Barry Fitzgerald. Dir: John Farrow. BW-64 mins, TV-G
1:30 PM - Saint In London, The (1939) The Saint's investigation of a counterfeiting ring uncovers a nest of spies. Cast: George Sanders, David Burns, Sally Gray. Dir: John Paddy Carstairs. BW-72 mins, TV-G, CC
2:44 PM - Short Film: Looking At London (1946) C-10 mins
3:00 PM - Saint's Double Trouble, The (1940) Reformed jewel thief Simon Templer lands in hot water when a look-alike smuggles stolen goods out of Egypt. Cast: George Sanders, Jonathan Hale, Bela Lugosi. Dir: Jack Hively. BW-67 mins, TV-G, CC
4:15 PM - Saint Takes Over, The (1940) Reformed jewel thief Simon Templar tries to help a police inspector whose been framed on bribery charges. Cast: George Sanders, Jonathan Hale, Wendy Barrie. Dir: Jack Hively. BW-70 mins, TV-G, CC
5:30 PM - Saint In Palm Springs, The (1941) Reformed jewel thief Simon Templer's efforts to deliver a fortune in rare stamps are complicated by murder. Cast: George Sanders, Wendy Barrie, Jonathan Hale. Dir: Jack Hively. BW-66 mins, TV-G
6:45 PM - Saint Meets The Tiger, The (1943) The Saint infiltrates a small English village run by smugglers. Cast: Hugh Sinclair, Jean Gillie, Clifford Evans. Dir: Paul L. Stein. BW-69 mins, TV-GLabels: 2007, Dick Tracy, Film, George Sanders, Hugh Sinclair, Louis Hayward, RKO, TCM
for The Saint on TCM November 12th 
Monday, November 05, 2007
Retired Long Island Science Teacher Sets Sights on 3 Million Miles In His Record-Breaking 1966 Volvo P1800
IRVINE, Calif., Oct. 23 /PRNewswire/ -- With 2.6 million miles on his record-breaking, shiny red 1966 Volvo P1800, 67-year-old Irv Gordon is now aiming to achieve a near impossible milestone -- driving three million miles in the same car.
Gordon, a retired science teacher from East Patchogue, N.Y., purchased his sporty Volvo in June 1966, and immediately fell in love, driving 1,500 miles in the first 48 hours. With a 125-mile round-trip daily commute, a dedication to vehicle maintenance and a passion for driving, Gordon logged 500,000 miles in 10 years. In 1998 with 1.69 million miles, he made the Guinness Book of World Records for most miles driven by a single owner in a non-commercial vehicle.
Today, Gordon breaks his own record every time he drives, whether it's to Cincinnati for coffee, Rolla, Mo. for lunch or Green River, Wyo. for dinner. And now, as the treasured Volvo P1800 continues to roll through the ages despite the wear of road and time, Gordon -- like any mighty record-holder at the top of his game -- has begun to think about his legacy.
"My goal is to reach three million miles in the next five years," Gordon said. "But, whether I reach that mark is more up to me than it is the car. The car's parts may be able to take it, but I'm not so sure about my own.
"I turn 72 on July 15, 2012," he added. "That seems like a nice day to clock three million and park the car once and for all. It will be a fantastic testament to the engineering genius of Volvo as well as to the resiliency of folks my age.
"I'll also feel comfortable that three million miles is a record that no one will ever be able to reach in the same car," Gordon continued. "That is, unless Barry Bonds decides to start driving his car more after he retires from baseball."
Slowing the Pace in Recent Years
Through the late '90s and early part of this decade, Gordon had been driving at a near fanatical pace of well over 100,000 miles per year, peaking in March 2002 when he gained worldwide attention for turning two million miles while driving down Broadway in Times Square. Today, to reach his next milestone, he is allowing a more conservative pace of 80,000 miles per year, thanks in large part to doctor's orders.
"You tire a little easier when you reach my age," Gordon said. "Gone are the nights when I'd be driving through Nebraska at 3 a.m. on I-80 West, jacked up on two pots of delicious Waffle House coffee.
"Last year, when my doctor told me I could no longer drive 24 hours at a time, 1,000 miles a day, I thought he was out of his mind, but I now realize he's right," Gordon said. "Today, I get a full night's sleep, eat healthy and take eight days to drive cross country, rather than six. The car gets plenty of exercise no matter how I plan each trip."
Gordon Seeking New Places to Drive
Gordon drives for the pure pleasure of driving but, these days, what motivates him most is an invitation to drive to an event to show off his car and visit friends. As he drives toward three million miles, he's looking for new places to go.
"I've traveled pretty much every Interstate in the U.S. many times over, so these days I'm looking for fresh, alternative routes and sights," Gordon said. "I'm hoping for some invitations to some faraway places like Europe, Australia or Hawaii.
"I can hold my own with almost any trucker at any truck stop in any country -- discussing roads, construction, or the best nearby, small-town diner with a good cup of decaf and piece of raisin toast."
What to Do After 3 Million
Gordon is unsure what to do with his Volvo after three million miles, though he has considered selling it for no less than one dollar per each mile he's driven.
"I also think it should go in a nice, cozy museum where people will get to enjoy seeing the car that beat the odds -- all with the same engine, same radio, same axles, same transmission and of course the same driver," Gordon said.
"So, maybe I'll sell it. Maybe I'll donate it to a museum," he concluded. "Who knows? Maybe I'll keep driving it."
SOURCE: Volvo Cars of North AmericaLabels: 2007, Guinness Book of World Records, Irv Gordon, P1800, Volvo
for At 2.6 Million Miles, Irv Gordon and His Historic Volvo Roll On 
Members of The Saint Club recently recieved the annual Saint Club Christmas Letter from Ian Dickerson with some news about a couple forthcoming publications:Hodder & Stoughton will be publishing two Saint anthologies in the Autumn of 2008. Unoriginally entitled The Best of the Saint (volumes 1 and 2) they'll feature a selection of stories from across the Saint's career (including one which has never appeared in an English paperback before); each volume will also have an introduction from a notable Saint (or Saint fan) plus some additional material by me. Current plans are for each book to have a yellow jacket cover, along the lines of the old H&S style.
Next year will also see the publication of the definitive history of the Saint's television adventures. Currently and unoriginally entitled The Saint on TV, it's written by me (Ian Dickerson) and if you thought the story of the Saint on TV started with Roger Moore, well this book will show you otherwise. It starts in 1940s Hollywood and this book follows the Saint on TV right up to the present day and the new show in development.
Amongst other things it provides a unique episode guide to all three Saint TV series detailing plots, cast, crew, filming locations and critical reaction. It also comprehensively details what many of the cast and crew have been up to since they met the Saint. And perhaps of more interest to you lot, tells the full story behind The Saint in Manhattan and The Saint (with Simon Dutton) using exclusive interviews with many of the cast and crew involved on the productions to analyse what went wrong.
There's loads more in it but I'm not spilling all my beans here. If you want to know more about it, or the two reprints, keep checking www.lesliecharteris.com because that's where the latest news will be. Labels: 2007, Ian Dickerson, Ian Ogilvy, Roger Moore, Simon Dutton, The Saint Club, TV
for Saint Book News from the Christmas Letter 